Thursday, June 16, 2022

London Film Academy

 Hello all, 

London Film School as a virtual event happening
on the 22nd June. This is a great opportunity to see what they may offer you!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

SHAUN OF THE DEAD : Representation of GENDER analysis

Which stereotypes about gender ( typical male/female  attitudes and behaviour)   can be applied to  Shaun and Liz, and  do each of them break free and challenge any  of these stereotypes in the film at any point? 

Are there any  other characters that exemplify these stereotypes more simply ? 

( 500 words minimum )

You can focus on stereotypes from  horror , action and comedy films as well as attitudes from " real life".

 Analyse the opening scene in the pub  and the resolution of the film  in particular 




                                               Girl in the garden

                                                             Z word

                                                       The end of Davs

                                                       Final scene


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

TRAINSPOTTING : analysis of narrative resolutions


Analyse how the narrative resolutions of the film explore and resolve its  themes and binary oppposites 

 ( friendship, betrayal, escape , family life, alienation, addiction , past v future , masculinity , responsibility v freedom, individuality v society, Renton v Begbie , Tommy v Renton , heroin v life.etc.).

You should focus here on the final sections  of the film and on Tommy's narrative and fate and particularly  Renton's attempts to escape and his final betrayal. Look at how film form is used to guide audience response and alignment in key scenes and the language used in the closing voiceover.

Is there a moral or message to Trainspotting or is it ambiguous about the themes , characters and how they are resolved  ? 

How does Renton match this ambiguous tine in his final voiceover and scene   ? Is life in general and his future shown to be totally positive and clear ?

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

TRAINSPOTTING : Close analysis of the overdose/withdrawal scenes


Focus on the Overdose and Withdrawal scenes below to answer the following question in a written report


How is film form  used in these scenes  to explore and develop the film's social/emotional / narrative themes and the  relationships between characters ? ( e.g the widespread nature of heroin use in Edinburgh, Renton's  emotions and  relationships with family and friends ) 

Look at some of these themes  in terms of binary oppositions  ( e.g Renton v Begbie , family v independence , heroin v life)  

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

TRAINSPOTTING : Opening analysis

 Analyse  how the key elements of film form  ( cinematography / editing/sound/mise-en-scene/performance) are used to introduce the films' narrative and approach to its social/emotional themes , characters, and messages of the film   in the opening of Trainspotting (up to the brief credit sequence )  

           OPENING SCENE 5 minutes )

OPENING SCENE ( with hints and tips)

Focus on elements such as camera movement and framing, pace and use of editing , use of music, lighting and colour, body language and posture , and the spoken word content .


Are the themes and issues being dealt with seriously or humorously ? How is that supported by the use of film form and the role of Renton as the narrator and main character ?

Why do you think this approach to the film's issues and its use of film form was popular with a young British audience in the 1990s ?

Thursday, January 20, 2022



You will be completing the Paper 1 American Film  ( find it in the above link ) next week in lesson , and you can bring in any relevant notes.

Please plan for the exam and analyse the films for relevant scenes and examples of film form to support your points .

EDUQAS  SHORT GUIDES :          Casablanca

                                                         Bonnie and Clyde

                                                            Winter's Bone

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

HOLLYWOOD 1930-1990 Key text 2 : Bonnie and Clyde


Written analysis :    In what ways and to what extent  can Bonnie and Clyde be described as a " New Hollywood " film  ?

Consider date and context of production , content, themes such as sex and violence  , representation of gender,  tone and atmosphere of film, narrative ending , director/producer ,  stars  and casting , subversion of star's image , use of film form and  breaking/following  of rules of classical Hollywood style and demonstrating typical " New Hollywood" techniques

Make reference to  at least two scenes in detail  to support your points.  Openng and closing scenes are particularly effective.

( 800 words minimum )

London Film Academy

  Hello all,  London Film School as a virtual event happening on the 22 nd  June. This is a great opportunity to see what they may offer yo...