Component 1: American film Written examination: 1½ hours 35% of qualification

This component assesses knowledge and understanding of three American films.

TERM 1   Section A: Hollywood 1930-1990 (comparative study)

One two-part question, requiring reference to two Hollywood films, one produced between 1930 and 1960 and the other between 1961 and 1990. There is a choice of question in the second part.

TERM 1 Section B: Contemporary American independent film

One two-part question, requiring reference to one contemporary American independent film (produced after 2010). There is a choice of questions in the second part.

Component 2: European film Written examination: 1½ hours 35% of qualification

This component assesses knowledge and understanding of two British films and one non- English language European film.

TERM 2 Section A: British film (two-film study)

One two-part question, requiring reference to two recent British films. There is a choice of question in the second part.

TERM 3 Section B: Non-English language European film

One two-part question, requiring reference to one non-English language European film. There is a choice of questions in the second part.

Component 3: Production Non-exam assessment 30% of qualification

This component assesses one production and its accompanying evaluative analysis.

TERM 1 -2 Production (20%) Planning /drafting/prodcution

·         Either an extract from a film highlighting narrative construction (2½ to 3½ minutes)

·         Or a screenplay for an extract from a film highlighting narrative construction of between 1200 and 1400 words plus a digitally photographed storyboard of a key section from the screenplay (approximately 1½ minutes' screen time, corresponding to approximately 15 storyboard shots).

TERM 2b Evaluative analysis (10%)

·         An evaluative analysis (1000-1250 words) of the production in comparison with other professionally produced films or screenplays.


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