Wednesday, November 10, 2021

HOLLYWOOD 1930-1990 Key text 2 : Bonnie and Clyde


Written analysis :    In what ways and to what extent  can Bonnie and Clyde be described as a " New Hollywood " film  ?

Consider date and context of production , content, themes such as sex and violence  , representation of gender,  tone and atmosphere of film, narrative ending , director/producer ,  stars  and casting , subversion of star's image , use of film form and  breaking/following  of rules of classical Hollywood style and demonstrating typical " New Hollywood" techniques

Make reference to  at least two scenes in detail  to support your points.  Openng and closing scenes are particularly effective.

( 800 words minimum )

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

NEW HOLLYWOOD : Key points


Use the link above  ( it's the first post of the Bonnie and Clyde page ) and read thoroughly, including watching a selection of the New Hollywood films and the documentaries.

Write a summary of the key elements of New Hollywood and how it contrasts with the classical  Hollywood studio system . Thus should include the following :

1 Reasons for the start of " New Hollywood "

2  How and why the films were different from classical studio system films ( e.g themes, narrative endings violent content  , use of film form , classical style )

3   How was the role and creative influence of the director different from the studio system

Support your points with examples of films and directors.

London Film Academy

  Hello all,  London Film School as a virtual event happening on the 22 nd  June. This is a great opportunity to see what they may offer yo...