Monday, September 6, 2021


 Please complete a film review and analysis ( 500 words minimum)  of a film you have recently watched or are very familiar with. This must include the following.

Information and analysis of the film's genre and  use of generic conventions, characters,  plot  and any social or emotional themes in the film

Some initial  analysis of  film form and how it is used, These are key terms in  Film Studies  and we will be studying them in detail . Look at the following and try and include some examples :

Cinematography ( use of camera angles , framing and movement, lighting and colour )

Editing ( use and rhythm/speed of cuts and fades in key scenes ) 

Mise-en-scene ( props,costumes,set design,background and locations )

Sound  ( use of music /sound effects and spoken work and how they create mood and meaning for the audience )

Performance (the actors' non-verbal communication and importance of star/casting ) 

You  should refer in detail to at least two key scenes from the film.

DEADLINE :  Friday

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